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Prince Albert Heritage & Eco-tourism News


Prince Albert from Gordon's Koppie. Photo: A TudhopePrince Albert from Gordon's Koppie. Photo: A Tudhope


The Prince Albert Friend/Vriend is a bilingual newspaper published monthly.

During Lockdown it is being published on-line.

Read July - December 2020 issues here - you can download them as pdf documents to read later.

De Rust features in the July, August, September, October, November, December 2020, February 2021 and March 2021 issues.

Read the April 2021 issue here and the May 2021 issue here

Due to financial constraints the free digital issue of the Prince Albert Friend/Vriend is being discontinued. But we are happy to offer you an introductory subscription to the newspaper in its place. Get 11 electronic issues delivered direct to your e-mailbox every month for just R7.50 an issue. It will be in full colour and with all the great reading on Karoo matters that you've come to expect.

R82.50 / 11 issues
Prince Albert Friend, ABSA Tak/Branch 334708
 Acc/Rek 9075581210
Please use your name as reference
Gebruik asb u naam as verwysing

Send proof of payment to us at and you’ll get your Prince Albert Friend/Vriend delivered without a hitch.


The Story Weaver Newsletter

Ailsa Tudhope, the "Story Weaver" of Prince Albert takes visitors on a Ghost Walk and a Historical Ramble.

She writes a monthly newsletter which is carried on this page each month.

Click to read it here.


the Great Little Book of Prince Albert Microadventures by Stephanie Rohrbachthe Great Little Book of Prince Albert Microadventures by Stephanie Rohrbach             
  • This "Great Little Book of Prince Albert MicroAdventures" by Steffi Rohrbach provides an in depth insight into the wide variety of the activities available in Prince Albert and its surrounding area.  Ranging from many varied attractions in the village to hiking trails and cycle routes (both easy and more demanding) the book demonstrates the type of activities available for both young and older adventurers.  Steffi has researched each and every one of these attractions and this is a guide which is well worth purchasing in order to obtain the maximum out of your stay in Prince Albert – whether of a short or longer duration. Highly recommended for those who enjoy getting out and about and meeting new interesting folk and exploring new vistas in the Karoo.  Alan Tonkin – De Rust Heritage

For more information contact Steffi at


Click here to download a printable info sheet about the book





Excursion to the Cango Valley: ​Saturday 25 May 2019 


 Judy Maguire's Boomplaas notes can be read on-line or downloaded here

The group visited Boomplaas, Grootkraal, Schoemanshoek old main road and other sites.

 Judy Maguire discussed climate change from an archeological perspective. 

Rosie Schoeman (nee Botha) talked about the Botha family of Boomplaas (1810).