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“De Rust Heritage Now” 

June Newsletter # 6/2019 


Visit of Julie du Toit and Chris Marais of Karoo Space 


Julie de Toit and Chris Marais from Karoo Space in Cradock spent three days in De Rust collecting material for an article on the Village and De Rust District. This visit extended over the period Saturday 25 to Monday 27 May, 2019 where they met with a wide variety of residents and experienced a wide range of visits to many different locations. 


These included the Meiringspoort Challenge Trail Run and Mountain Bike Race as well as visits to Doornkraal for Dinner on the Saturday evening with historical stories of De Rust from Swepie le Roux and an eco-tour looking at a variety of plants including wild pelargonium with Willie Immelman. 




                       Chris and Julie with their Trusty Isuzu Bakkie              The Finish Line at the Trail Run




Our thanks go to all those local residents and members of De Rust Heritage who were part of the “Team with Chris and Julia” during the De Rust portion of their visit to the Klein Karoo. A special thanks to Jan and Theresa Venter for assisting with the accommodation for Chris and Julie during their visit. Your assistance and local insight was invaluable in helping to open the window for our guests to this portion of the Klein Karoo and De Rust District in particular. 



“De Rust Heritage Now” 

May Newsletter # 5/2019 


Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Heritage Forum Visit to De Rust 

As a result of the generosity of those who attended the De Rust Heritage Visit on Saturday 30 March, 2019 an amount of R 1 040 was raised in donations for the De Rust Animal Health Trust. Garth and Diane and the whole team would like to thank all those who contributed so generously to assist in the treatment of injured and neglected animals from the De Rust area. 


 Launch of New “The De Rust Heritage Walking Trail” Booklet 

This booklet is available from De Rust Heritage at a cost of R 35.00 each which will support the next run of the booklet. It is also available at Rouge Karoo in Schoeman Street next to the Tourism Office as well as at Rawson Estates. 


Planning for “De Rust Heritage Festival 2020” 

Following the success of the recent “Heritage Visit” planning is going ahead with the holding of a “De Rust Heritage Festival 2020 ” which is designed to celebrate the 120th Anniversary of the founding of De Rust on 20 March 1900. 

The Festival will start on the Friday evening 19 March, 2020 with a film evening at the Old Church Hall with Katinka Heyns and her film "Pappalap" and will extend through to midday on the Sunday 21 March. The Saturday program will include the Heritage Walking Trail, visits to places in the district like Vlakteplaas which is much older than De Rust and the statue on the koppie, Meiringspoort and other heritage related sites and topics. 

There will also be a Dinner and Film Evening with Katinka Heyns at the unique Santa Maria facility at Doornkraal on the Saturday evening. Katinka will be showing and speaking about the production of one of her favourite films “Paljas” which was written by Chris Barnard and directed by her in 1997 which was filmed in the De Rust District including Doornkraal. Actors included Marius Weyers and Aletta Bezuidenhout and is about a family’s life in the Klein Karoo. 


The Festival will conclude on Sunday with an "optional" walk in the Swartberg Mountains around De Rust with both short and longer trails available depending on age and fitness levels. 

The objective of the “De Rust Heritage Festival 2020” is to be both educational and entertaining for all ages in order to cultivate a pride in our heritage going back in history to the early inhabitants of the Klein Karoo. 

Further details on the planning of the Festival and the program will be made available shortly on our website. 


De Rust Heritage Update Meeting 

The De Rust Heritage Conservation Association held an update meeting on Wednesday 10 April, 2019 at the Old Church Hall in Le Roux Street. The main objective of the meeting was to better inform members and residents of the significant progress made since the re-registration of the De Rust Heritage Conservation Association with Heritage Western Cape in August, 2018. 

Over 20 people attended the meeting and for those unable to be there full details of the PowerPoint presentation are available on the De Rust Heritage website under Meeting InformationThis presentation covers the full activities of De Rust Heritage over the last twelve months including the major achievements in that period. 


Annual Report to Heritage Western Cape 

The De Rust Heritage Conservation Annual Report for the period 01 May, 2018 to 30 April, 2019 has recently been submitted to Heritage Western Cape. This is a legal requirement for all registered heritage bodies in terms of the Act and a copy is available to view on the De Rust Heritage website in the section Heritage Western Cape on the drop-down Annual Report 2018/19. 


Oudtshoorn Municipal Tender for Heritage Survey 

The Oudtshoorn Municipal Tender concerning a Heritage Survey for Oudtshoorn closed on Monday 25 March, 2019. To date information is still awaited by the two registered heritage organisations – Heritage Oudtshoorn Erfenis and De Rust Heritage regarding the possible costs. It is however, anticipated that the firm undertaking by the Oudtshoorn Municipality to fully involve both Heritage Oudtshoorn Erfenis and De Rust Heritage in the process in order to ensure informed community involvement will be happening shortly. 

De Rust was originally identified as the source of the initial “Pilot Study” for Greater Oudtshoorn due to its size and relatively well resourced heritage body. We await further communication from the Oudtshoorn Municipality in this regard as a matter of some urgency. 


Heritage Certificate Program – Sponsored by Historical Homes of South Africa 

Professor Matilda Burden from the University of Stellenbosch Museum recently conducted an approved heritage certificate program on the various architectural styles to be found in the Western Cape and Klein Karoo from Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 April, 2019 at the Civic Centre in Oudtshoorn. 

The program was particularly relevant and looked at the full range of architectural styles used historically on a global basis as well as going into some detail regarding those generally employed in the Western Cape. 

Matilda also used some of the material available on our website from the book “The New Amidst the Old – Building in the Klein Karoo” produced by the Simon van der Stel Foundation (Southern Cape) compiled by Hans Fransen in 2006. 


Members Attending the Heritage Certificate Program 


This is the third heritage program run in Oudtshoorn sponsored by Historical Homes in Stellenbosch. Our thanks go in particular to their CEO and Board in supporting this very worthy initiative. In addition, the latest program has provided a solid base of understanding of Heritage Architectural Styles in the Southern Cape & Klein Karoo Region. 


Meiringspoort Challenge - Trail Run & Mountain Bike Race 

Preparations for the “Meiringspoort Challenge” on Saturday 25 May, 2019 are well advanced with the checking of the trail section in the Swartberg near De Rust having been carried out in the last few days. 

In addition to the athletes participating in the Meiringspoort Challenge we will be showcasing the Village to Chris and Juliette Marais from Karoo Space in Cradock who also write for Country Life Magazine. They will be visiting the area from Thursday 23 to Sunday 26 May and visiting both Oudtshoorn and De Rust. 


Visit by Chris and Julienne Marais from Karoo Space 

Details of the above visit are as follows: 

The Oudtshoorn portion of their visit extends from Thursday 23 to Friday 24 May where they will be visiting a number of the Feather Palaces and researching their history for a possible article in Country Life Magazine. This part of the program is being arranged by Heritage Oudtshoorn Erfenis. 

They then move to De Rust for the week-end of Saturday 25 and Sunday 26 May and we will be exposing them to a number of the heritage and other highlights of De Rust and District for a potential Country Life article. 

On Saturday evening 25 May De Rust Heritage will be hosting a typical Karoo Dinner where long term residents of the area will be sharing historical stories and events from the past. The cost will be R120 per person for members of De Rust Heritage. Further   detailed information will be made available on our website shortly. 


Request for Further Interesting Historical Information on De Rust & District 

De Rust Heritage is asking people who have interesting historical information relating to both De Rust and the immediate district. This will also assist in providing additional information (including photos and maps) for the proposed “De Rust Heritage Festival 2020”.  We wish to collect additional related data including photographs and place this on our website in order to enhance the spread of information available. This crucial information often gets lost over time and it is critical that as far as possible we are able to provide a more complete story for our unique region including information of the settlement sites the original inhabitants of the area the San Bushmen as depicted on our logo. 

Launch of "Klein Karoo Heritage Trail"

In addition to the above we will shortly have a map available on our website of the “Klein Karoo Heritage Trail” covering the area between De Rust and Calitzdorp including all of the towns/villages of Prince Albert, Klaarstroom, Uniondale and Oudtshoorn. This initiative will be part of the Greater De Rust Heritage initiative in conjunction with the members of the Southern Cape & Klein Karoo Heritage Forum in providing more emphasis on the increasing role of heritage and eco-tourism in our region of the Klein Karoo. 

Any assistance or available information offered including old photographs in preserving important historical facts in our region which otherwise will become lost over time will be greatly appreciated. 

Alan Tonkin 

01 May, 2019 



“De Rust Heritage Now”

April Newsletter # 4/2019 


Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Heritage Forum Visit to De Rust 

On Saturday 30 March members of the Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Heritage Forum visited De Rust. Visitors included members of the Simon van der Stel Foundation (Southern Cape), Heritage Oudtshoorn Erfenis, the Prince Albert Cultural Foundation and De Rust Heritage.  

 On the lawns at VoelgesangOn the lawns at Voelgesang

A total of 80 guests assembled on the lawn at Voelgesang for coffee and rusks at 09h30 and were treated to some stories of the early days in De Rust by Pieter Schoeman, the current owner of the original family farm De Rust, which has been in their care since 1899. 

The guests split into two groups to facilitate communication during the tour and the first was escorted to view the Old Mill at Voelgesang, Vredelus Homestead and the NG Kerk, Old Church Hall and Pastorie – all of which are Provincial Heritage sites. 

The second group started at the NG Kerk and proceeded through the Village, viewing a number of the well-preserved properties with interesting histories.  For further details visit our page De Rust Heritage Walk on this site.


The NG Kerk in De Rust   Lunch at Domain Doornkraal


They returned to Voegesang for the Old Mill and Vredelus sections of the tour. Later both groups drove to the “Tante Maria” venue at Doornkraal for lunch.

After lunch Swepie le Roux the owner of the family farm Doornkraal provided additional historical backgound to the farm. This included the role played by his grandfather and how the family moved from Bakenskraal to Middelplaas and finally to Doornkraal, which was then undeveloped. 

The meeting concluded with thanks to the organisers after which the Simon van der Stel Foundation members held their AGM, while many of the other guests viewed the old homestead from the garden – see original painting above. 


Launch of New “The De Rust Heritage Walking Trail” Booklet.  

At the lunch the new “De Rust Heritage Walking Trail” booklet was launched. This is linked to our website page De Rust Historical Walk. The booklet was sponsored by Klein Karoo International and we would like to thank them for their support. 


The booklet contains pictures and a brief description of a number of the major  "heritage buildings" in De Rust as well as a detailed map showing the identified Provincial Heritage Sites as well as other buildings of significance. 


The booklet is available from De Rust Heritage at a cost of R 35.00 each which will support the next run of the booklet. Over 25 of the booklets were sold at the lunch and over R1 000 was raised for the De Rust Animal Health Trust – many thanks to all who contributed to this initiative. 

Contact Alan Tonkin to buy a copy: 082 777 1519    e-mail: 


Planning for “De Rust Heritage Festival 2020” 

Following the success of the “Heritage Visit” there are to be discussions regarding holding a “De Rust Heritage Festival” in 2020 which is the 120th Anniversary of the formation of the Village of De Rust in March 1900.  

The Festival would officially start on the Saturday morning and would extend through to midday on the Sunday. The program would include the Heritage Walking Trail, visits to places in the district such as Vlakteplaas, which is much older than De Rust, as well as Meiringspoort and other heritage related sites and topics, including the walk in the Swartberg around De Rust. Further details on the Festival planning and a program will be available later in the year. 


De Rust Heritage Update Meeting 

The De Rust Heritage Conservation Association will be holding a further update meeting on Wednesday 17 April, 2019 at the Old Church Hall in Burger Street at 17h30 for 18h00. The main objective of the meeting is to better inform members and residents of the significant progress made since the re-registration of the De Rust Heritage Conservation Association with Heritage Western Cape in August, 2018.  

For those unable to attend the meeting the full details of the PowerPoint presentation are available on the website under Meeting Information including the notice of the meeting, dated 18 March, 2019 which was also posted in the Village. 


Oudtshoorn Municipal Tender for Heritage Survey 

The closing date of the Oudtshoorn Municipal Tender for a Heritage Survey was Monday 25 March, 2019. To date no information has been made available to the two registered heritage organisations – Heritage Oudtshoorn Erfenis and De Rust Heritage,relating to the number of organisations tendering, nor their proposed costs.  

It is anticipated that the above information will become available shortly, in terms of the previous commitment by the Oudtshoorn Municipality to fully involve both Heritage Oudtshoorn Erfenis and De Rust Heritage in the process in order to ensure informed community involvement.  

The Village of De Rust was originally identified as the source of the initial “Pilot Study” for Greater Oudtshoorn due to its smaller size and relatively well resourced heritage body. We await further communication from the Oudtshoorn Municipality in this regard as a matter of some urgency. 


Heritage Certificate Program – Historical Homes of South Africa 

Professor Matilda Burden from the University of Stellenbosch has agreed to run an approved heritage certificate program on the various architectural styles to be found in the Klein Karoo from Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 April, 2019. In this regard we will be using some of the material available on our website from the publication “The New Amidst the Old: Building in the Klein Karoo” compiled by Hans Fransen and published by the Simon van der Stel Foundation (Southern Cape) in 2006.  

The program will be conducted in Oudtshoorn and all of the registered heritage bodies in the region have submitted the names of those wishing to attend. There has been an excellent response to this program and twenty candidates from all the heritage bodies in the Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Region have been selected to attend. This program was oversubscribed and it is good to see such an excellent response to an initiative of this type. 


Request for Further Interesting Historical Information on De Rust & District 

De Rust Heritage is asking people to share any interesting historical information they might have relating to both De Rust and the immediate district. This will also assist in providing additional information (including photos) for the proposed De Rust Heritage Festival 2020.  

We wish to collect related data and place it on our website in order to enhance the spread of available information. Crucial material often gets lost over time and it is critical that, as far as possible, we are able to provide a more complete story for our unique region, including that of the original inhabitants the Khoi-San, as shown on our logo. 


Alan Tonkin  

01 April, 2019 



“De Rust Heritage Now”

March Newsletter # 3/2019  


Tender Issued for Heritage Survey: The Oudtshoorn Municipality have just issued the tender for the Planned Heritage Survey for De Rust, Dysselsdorp and Oudtshoorn.  The tender closes on Monday 25 March, 2019 and details of the specifications can be found on our website under the tab Heritage Inventories on the drop-down Heritage Overlay Zone. 

Tenders are being called for from suitably qualified consulting bodies who have specific experience in the “heritage” field to conduct an analysis and submit quotes to provide the deliverables as set out in the tender document.   

The Oudtshoorn Municipality have set aside R 120 000 in the current budget and have already committed to provide additional funding for this specific function in future budget years. We will keep you updated of progress as the process unfolds in the coming months.  


Southern Cape & Klein Karoo Heritage Forum Visit to De Rust: The Southern Cape & Klein Karoo Heritage Forum will be visiting De Rust on Saturday 30 March, 2019 – see details see our website under Southern Cape Heritage Forum on the drop-down Planned Heritage Events.  The program will include talks by prominent local members as well as site visits.  

The visit will conclude with a lunch at Domein Doornkraal followed by a short talk by Swepie le Roux the owner of Doornkraal on the history of the farm. Costs of the tour and lunch is R 120 per person.  Contact Ann on 081 777 4185


Heritage Certificate Program – Historical Homes of South Africa: Professor Matilda Burden from the University of Stellenbosch has agreed to run an approved heritage certificate program on the various architectural styles to be found in the Klein Karroo from Monday 15 to Wednesday 17 April, 2019. In this regard we will be using some of the material available on our website from the publication “The New Amidst the Old: Building in the Klein Karoo” compiled by Hans Franzen and published by the Simon van der Stel Foundation (Southern Cape) in 2006.  

The program will be conducted in Oudtshoorn and all of the registered heritage bodies in the region are in the process of submitting the names of those wishing to attend. It is anticipated that we should be able to accommodate some 16 to 20 participants at a cost to members of registered heritage organisations of around R 300. There is a very strong demand for this program and we anticipate the final list will be made available shortly.  


De Rust Koppie: Willie Immelman is currently involved in exploring various options available in having the De Rust Koppie environmentally protected. The Koppie has a unique eco-system with a large number of plant varieties being unique to this tiny area – see our website for detail under Eco-Tourism and Employment including a detailed brochure which can be downloaded as a pdf.    

The Oudtshoorn Spatial Development Framework clearly shows the De Rust Koppie as a “Critical Biodiversity Area” and it is considered essential that the De Rust Koppie be declared a “Protected Area” as a matter of urgency. We believe that this issue should be included in the De Rust Heritage Survey in terms of a management plan for the Koppie and immediate surrounds.    

De Rust Eco-Festival – Spring 2019: Planning for the proposed Eco-Festival at the end September, 2019 to coincide with the Spring Flower display is ongoing with Willie Immelman and Callie Burger being the primary organisers. A final date will be agreed within the next few months with additional volunteers being called for to assist in the process.  For those who are interested in being involved in participating in the event please call Willie on Mobile: 082 952 2001 or Callie on Mobile: 082 455 5487.  


Update Heritage Meeting: It is planned to hold a further De Rust Heritage meeting for De Rust residents in April, 2019 following the school holidays to explain the basic Oudtshoorn Municipal  and Heritage Permit requirements in the Village linked to the forthcoming Heritage Survey and Inventory.   

We will also be calling for volunteers to engage in the diverse activities planned for 2019 and beyond, including the Heritage Survey commissioned by the Oudtshoorn Municipality.  

Finally, we hope to be able to brief you all more fully on the award by the Oudtshoorn Municipality of the De Rust Heritage Survey Contract to the selected consultants and the broader implications for the Village.  Further details will be available in the April Edition of the “De Rust Heritage Now” April Newsletter scheduled for the  end of March, 2019.  


As from this month this newsletter will also be circulated monthly through the kind auspices of Soon and Niekie at the “Village Trading Post”.  Thank you guys – your assistance and support is much appreciated in spreading the word on our coming heritage events and progress towards a better De Rust.   


De Rust 

01 March, 2019




Heritage Newsletter # 2/2019

February, 2019


New Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Heritage Forum: The Inaugural Meeting of the Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Heritage Forum was held in Oudtshoorn on Thursday 17 January, 2019.  The meeting was well attended by all the major “Heritage Bodies” in the Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Region – the minutes of which are available on our website under the tab Southern Cape Heritage Forum as well as a copy of the brochure “The New Amidst the Old: Building in the Klein Karoo” published in 2006 by the Simon van der Stel Foundation.   


Formation of Heritage Overlay Zone Advisory Committee: Progress is slow on getting the Oudtshoorn Municipality to approve the require Heritage Overlay Zone Advisory Committee (HOZAC) as well as the promised advertisement for an approved firm with the requisite heritage experience to undertake the Pilot Study which has already been agreed in the budget for De Rust.  

We will continue to press the designated Officials at the Oudtshoorn Municipality for movement on this aspect as a matter of extreme URGENCY.    


De Rust Eco-Festival – Winter 2019: Planning for the proposed Eco-Festival at the end of June/early July, 2019 with Willie Immelman and Callie Burger having taken on this role. A final date will be agreed within the next few months with additional volunteers being called for as a matter of urgency.  For those who are interested in being involved in participating in the process please call Willie on Mobile: 082 952 2001 or Callie on Mobile: 082 455 5487.     


De Rust Koppie: Willie Immelman is also involved in exploring various options available in having the De Rust Koppie environmentally protected. The Koppie has a unique eco-system with a large number of plant varieties being unique to this tiny area – see our website for detail under Eco-Tourism and Employment including a detailed brochure which can be downloaded as a pdf.  Unfortunately, neither Cape Nature or the Oudtshoorn Municipality appear keen to participate quoting lack of funds. At the time that Cape Nature had funds the Municipality were either unable or unwilling to move forward on having the Koppie declared a protected area. Additional details will be available shortly.   


Heritage Certificate Program – Historical Homes of South Africa: Professor Matilda Burden from the University of Stellenbosch has agreed in principal to run an approved heritage program on the various architectural styles to be found in the Klein Karroo. In this regard we will be using some of the material available on our website from the publication “The New Amidst the Old: Building in the Klein Karoo” compiled by Hans Franzen and published by the Simon van der Stel Foundation (Southern Cape) in 2006.  

This program will be conducted in Oudtshoorn and will extend over three days. Once we have firm dates from Professor Burden further information will be made available to all registered heritage bodies in the region.  It is anticipated that we should be able to accommodate between 16 to 20 participants at a cost to registered members of heritage organisations of around R 300. Final costs will be confirmed once the final dates are available. 


Communication Meeting: It is planned to hold a further De Rust Heritage meeting for De Rust home owners in March, 2019 to explain the basic Municipal and Heritage Permit requirements in De Rust. Further details will be available in the March Heritage Newsletter. 


De Rust

01 February, 2019   




Heritage Newsletter #1/2019 

January, 2019 


Welcome to our first Newsletter of 2019 and we wish all our readers best wishes for a safe and prosperous year. 


Plans for 2019 and Beyond 

We have a number of innovative initiatives planned for 2019 including the following: 


Inaugural Meeting of Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Heritage Forum 

Following a meetingwith the CEO of Heritage Western Cape and registered heritage bodies in the Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Region on 6 December, 2018 it was decided to invite representatives from registered heritage bodies with Heritage Western Cape to an inaugural meeting of the Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Heritage Forum on Thursday 17 January, 2019 in Oudtshoorn.   


Heritage organisations invited include the Simon van der Stel Foundation (Southern Cape), Prince Albert Cultural Foundation, Heritage Oudtshoorn Erfenis, Heritage Mossel Bay and De Rust Heritage.    


The Agenda for the meeting includes the following items for discussion and action on a Southern Cape/Klein Karoo regional basis including the following: 

  • The need for a Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Heritage Forum
  • Better Communication with HWC and other registered regional heritage bodies including possible use of the De Rust Heritage and other websites
  • Better Co-ordination of Heritage Efforts in the Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Region and with other heritage bodies nationally
  • Improved Communication with Local Municipalities particularly on the better understanding of the National Heritage Resources Act
  • Emphasis on Co-ordination of Heritage Education & Training Efforts as offered by Professor Matilda Burden and others with emphasis on the overlapping and interdependent roles of local heritage bodies and municipalities as laid out in the National Heritage Resources Act of 1999 

De Rust Heritage are acting as convenors of the meeting and invitations were sent out in December, 2018.  A good turnout of nominated representatives from registered heritage bodies in the Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Region is anticipated. In the event that other registered heritage bodies were missed on the original list of those invited please contact us on 082 777 1519 to obtain an invitation or e-mail De Rust Heritage at  


Formation of Heritage Overlay Zone Advisory Committee (HOZAC) 

The formalisation of the official HOZAC Body for Greater Oudtshoorn is planned for early in 2019. This was confirmed by the Speaker of the Oudtshoorn Council at the meeting with the CEO of Heritage Western Cape in December, 2018. Simultaneously the advertising of the planned De Rust Heritage Pilot Survey and the required tender documents to identify approved consultants will also be undertaken by the Greater Oudtshoorn Municipality.  


We are hoping to commence with the planned De Rust Heritage Pilot Survey as early in 2019 as possible with the initial portion of the exercise being completed by June, 2019 when the current budget period expires. This will allow for further amounts to be included in the new municipal budget for 2019/20.  


Planning of the De Rust Eco- Festival for Winter 2019 

We are requesting volunteers for the organising committee of the planned De Rust Eco-Festival during the Winter School Holidays in 2019. Please let us have your names or other nominations as early as possible in the New Year.    


De Rust Koppie 

De Rust Heritage was successful in having the illegal refuse transfer station on the Koppie removed in 2016 by approaching Cape Nature and having them take legal steps in this regard. It intends stepping up these efforts in order to ensure that the Oudtshoorn Municipality fulfils the other important aspect ordered by Cape Nature which is the rehabilitation of the De Rust Koppie as set out in the original notice or to take legal action if this was not done.  


Planned Projects for 2019 

Heritage Certificate Program – University of Stellenbosch 

Over and above the various aspects mentioned above we have formally invited Professor Matilda Burden from the University of Stellenbosch to run a Heritage Program in Oudtshoorn early in 2019. This will be a joint venture between Heritage Oudtshoorn Erfenis and De Rust Heritage and will be subsidised by Historical Homes in Stellenbosch.  


Following the anticipated formation of the Southern Cape/Klein Karoo Heritage Forum we are hoping to attract members from all the registered heritage bodies in the immediate region. Costs for participants are anticipated to be in the order of R 300 per person for the three days – please contact us if you are interested in learning more about this initiative.  


We look forward to a particularly interesting year in 2019 and anticipate achieving completion of all of the above planned initiatives during the year. We would also like to thank all those who participated so meaningfully in our efforts during 2018.  Your input will also be appreciated in our continuing efforts during 2019 including any other heritage related aspects you might like to raise for consideration.  


01 January, 2019